Corporations often have a need for outside counsel to handle matters that their in-house lawyers cannot. This sometimes occurs because in-house counsel doesn’t practice in the area that is needed. Hair and Van Raalte have assisted many corporate clients with criminal investigations that in-house counsel was not equipped to handle.
There are also times when in-house corporate counsel needs outside counsel to handle an internal investigation. This need can arise because the in-house lawyers may have an actual or potential conflict based on their relationship with the employees involved. Often, the in-house lawyer just isn’t comfortable investigating people they work with every day.
Hair and Van Raalte have experience in these matters. They also often handle exit interviews for employers when the employer believes the departing employee may be leaving because of concerns that some improper conduct has occurred. Employees frequently feel more comfortable and provide honest, factual information to outside counsel. This increased openness can help the employer address problems.
The firm can also handle internal investigations to determine if wrongdoing has occurred within the business. Hair and Van Raalte’s experience in criminal practice and as City Attorneys helps them conduct such investigations. They are familiar with many types of personnel issues under the Fair Labor Standards Acts (FLSA) such as overtime, the American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and other statutes.